Which are the CLARUS solutions?

CLARUS is an integrated software solution, offering the strategic decision-making tools needed by top-level management, in today’s highly charged business environment.

CLARUS has been designed with flexibility in mind, using the client – server technology, in order to satisfy your company’s unique and individual needs.

CLARUS permits the pursuit of financial and operational processes and offers the informational support as a basis for management decisions

Main benefits of the soluion

Clarus ERP

Clarus is an enterprise resource planning system which covers all fields of activity in a company. Clarus offers an effective communication tool for your management system (stocks, free stocks, profitable or less profitable goods). Clarus integrates a large number of modules such as: Customers and suppliers orders, financial accounting module, production planning module, sales module.

Clarus HR

Clarus HR is a comprehensive and integrated humane resource management system that meets your company specific needs regarding one of its most important resources –the humane resources. Clarus HR ensures an effective correlation between the employees and the other business activities in your company. CLARUS HR permits multi – level and multi – user access to a unique database.


CLARUS CRM is a necessary solution for the sales and marketing department in a company which offers a better view over the sales system and the client portfolio ensuring a better relation between the company and its clients.

Clarus SCM

Clarus refers to the distribution network activity and offers real-time information over stock situation on each point of sale or the whole company.

Clarus BI

CLARUS BI collects, synthesizes and analysis all the information from the business process and provides all the reports and statistics needed as a basis for management decision on the highest managerial level. CLARUS BI offers also the possibility to forecast the future of your business ensuring an exact control over the current events.

Clarus DMS

CLARUS DMS enables car dealers to streamline their internal operations by reducing operational costs, improve sales by tracking interactions with potential customers throughout the sales cycle, and improve relationships with existing customers by meeting their needs.


  • CLARUS has its main feature its modular design –each component may be used separately, or together as a whole
  • is fully customizable and scalable according to your company needs
  • flexibility –each module may be used separately by any department using a unique database
  • system security –allows multilevel access
  • short time implementation – being a modular system the implementation is very easy and new modules can be added when needed.


  • Unification of the internal communication system. Any information is registered once and system ensures an automatic link between the central database and the departments.
  • CLARUS permits the growth of the profitability for each activity based on reducing the workable costs and optimal use of available resources
  • The increase of the company’s turnover and a higher number of clients providing a new vision over the business process
  • The solution ensures a complete flow of information and a perfect match between customer needs and the products offered by your company
  • Real time information and reports